Paola Bianchi, choreographer and dancer, has been active on the contemporary dance scene since the late eighties. With her performances Paola participates in many international contemporary dance and theatre festivals. She is also a video artist; her video works have been presented in many international video art festivals. She leads choreographic research workshops and lectures at some Italian universities. 
In 2014 her book Corpo Politico. Distopia del gesto, utopia del movimento, was published by Editoria & Spettacolo (curators: Silvia Bottiroli and Silvia Parlagreco). She has written numerous short essays on the subject of the body and dance, published in several books.
In 2020 Paola Bianchi wins the Rete Critica 9 and ¾ Award with the ELP project. 

VOICE OVER (2024), [...] KZ, (2023), FABRICA (2022/24), BRAVE (2023), BAD_Being in the Act of Doing (2022), ASSIMILIA (2021), NoPolis (2020), Other OtherNess (2020), O_N (2020), ENERGHEIA (2019), EKPHRASIS | primo movimento (2019), ESTI | non vedenti e ipovedenti (2019), ESTI | danzanti non professionisti (2019), WASTE MOVEMENTS (2018), OPSÌA (2018), ANIMANIMALE (2017), S.O.N. (2017), L'ASSENZA (2017), VERBO PRESENTE (2016/17), PROVE DI ABBANDONO (2016), ZERO (2015), OUTWITH (2014), WITH (2014), COSTRUISCO SULL'OBLIO _ mise en espace (2014), WITHOUT (2013), ABSTRIAL (2013), ERBARME DICH (2011), DUPLICA (2010), UNO (2009/2010), CESSIONE (2009), PER FIGURA SOLA (2008), Homós - apologia dell’enantíos (2008), Visioni irrazionali. Come conigli (2007), Corpus Hominis (2006), Chrónoshomo - odissea dell’immobilità #4 (2006), Kytos – in potere – odissea dell’immobilità #3 (2005), Double-face – odissea dell’immobilità #2 (2005), Monocore – odissea dell’immobilità #1 (2004), Torino Attraverso l’Opera Per Kirkeby (2004), HaccaH (2004), Sinesuide – imposizione verticale (2002), Figura umana, teatri anatomici di Francis Bacon (2000), Triptychos (2000), In bianco - volo nuziale senza ali (2000), Freak (1999), Assedio (1999), FK (1998), Norcolo (1997), Aequos (1996), 6 November 1994 - 35 dancers for a theatrical event in memory of Piedmont flood (1995), Flatus, un canto da (1994), Moto da luogo (1993), Sotto-sopra (1991), Désordre (1989), Ahim (1989), Quéte (1988), Studio per Ahim (1988), Progetti per bianco porpora (1987), Clotilde Clotilde (1986).

In 2020 she choreographs the contemporary music opera Wechselwirkung, a project by Pia Palme, production Wien Modern Festival, Vienna.
In 2019 she choreographs and performs dusk songs, oder lieder im morgengrauen with music by the Viennese composer and musician Pia Palme.
She has been choreographer of Business class (2007), Das kleine Zimmer am Ende der Treppe (2011), X-Freunde (2014), Good Morning, boys and girls (2017), four performances created together with Barbara Klein and produced by Kosmostheater of Vienna.
In 2001 she starts her collaboration with Ivan Fantini, severe thinker and geopolitical ingredients critic, writer. Together they produce four theatrical-gastronomic events: Diciassette per una nubile senza candele inspired by the life and works of Grimod de la Reynière (French gastronome, ‘700) - 2001; Il poeta è un’elegantissima anima che va a cena sulle stelle - 2001 - and Morto un poeta se ne fa un altro - 2002 - two works inspired by Italian poet Piero Ciampi; Adius utòpia - 2002; Prove di abbandono -  2016 -, L’assenza – 2017 – and Animanimale – 2017 -, three performances born from his novels. 
In 2003 she has been choreographer and dancer in the video-installation and dance performance Naspel by Holland filmmakers Paul and Menno De Nooijer.
In 2001 and 2002 she collaborates with the visual artist Marzia Migliora.
In 1997 she starts her collaboration with the company of shadow theatre Controluce Teatro d’ombre.

Paola Bianchi was present with her videos in many dance film festivals like: Riccione TTV, VIDEODANSE 2009 at Centre Culturel Français – Genova, Tempo II – New York.
In 2021, she is choreographer and director of ἀνδρεία [andreia], a video work realised with the disabled dancer Valentina Bravetti.
In 2016 she creates the video RIMANE COSA.
In 2014 she creates the video WITHOUT PLACE.
In 2004 she is choreographer and interpreter of the art-video ErrE EnnE.
In 2003 she is choreographer and interpreter of Falso piano, a video-dance produced by Torinodanza and Rai Sat Show.
In 2003 she is choreographer of Supplica, a short by Katjuscia Fantini.
In 2002 she creates the video In adius utòpia.
In 2011 she made video and sound processing of s.i.a. and Perifrastica, video-installations by Ivan Fantini.

In 2019 she creates The Undanced Dance, a verbal choreography.
In 2015, together with Silvia Parlagreco, she realized 5 radio documentaries about Tadeusz Kantor’s performances. These radio broadcasts were sent on Rai Radio3.
In 2014 she creates NoBody, a project of verbal dance, an attempt of transmission of the dance, a first step to bring the dance where it can not stand. The Italian version was presented at recording audio festival Helicotrema 2014 and 2015.

2023 ANARCHIVIO FABRICA in Teatro Akropolis. Testimonianze ricerca azioni - volume fourteen - AkropolisLibri
2022 ELP - a choreographic research project in Sounding Fragilities. An Anthology - Wolke (Germany).
2022 Essere corpo nella scena in Teatro Akropolis. Testimonianze ricerca azioni - volume thirteen - AkropolisLibri.
2021 Posizione dello sguardo in OSCILLAZIONI #1 - fanzine, Teatri di Vetro/Triangolo Scaleno Teatro
2020 O_N, ELP | altre memorie in Teatro Akropolis. Testimonianze ricerca azioni - volume eleven - AkropolisLibri.
2020 Sostituire l'ascolto alla visione in OSCILLAZIONI #0 - fanzine, Teatri di Vetro/Triangolo Scaleno Teatro
2019 ELP, processo di creazione in Teatro Akropolis. Testimonianze ricerca azioni - volume ten -AkropolisLibri.
2019 Nel mentre del tempo in 93% Materials for a non-verbal politics - online magazine.
2018 Make the dance audible in Teatro Akropolis. Testimonies ricerca azioni - volume nine -AkropolisLibrary.
2018 Quello che non c'è, mi è in roots&routes - online magazine.
2014 Corpo Politico _ distopia del gesto, utopia del movimento edited by Silvia Bottiroli and Silvia Parlagreco - Editoria & Spettacolo, series Spaesamenti edited by Paolo Ruffini.
2011 Paesologia del corpo in Performativi, per uno sguardo scenico contemporaneo by Massimo Schiavoni - Gwynplaine edizioni.

In 2020 Clemente Tafuri and David Beronio (directors of Teatro Akropolis) produced La parte maledetta. Viaggio ai confini del teatro. Paola Bianchi, a film project that portrays the artistic career of the choreographer in the form of an interview.

